Monday, October 2, 2017

Last night!

Had to climb a hill to get 4G tonight.  You're welcome.  I am in a stealth site just south of the Pistol River North of Brookings.  It's right by 101 and only a little screened but I'm so tired I don't care.  The traffic ebbs a lot at night and I have ear plugs.  I started this morning with three miles on decent sand to the Rogue River North Jetty at Gold Beach.  Then it was walk up the jetty and a road to the highway bridge -not bad- and over, then through town with a stop for a Supermarket deli sandwich and  to fill my water bottles before returning to the beach.  I did four long miles in the dread
ed loose sand before finding, with difficulty, the trail up Cape Sebastian.  It was steep and four and a half miles long but the last part was really very pretty.  It put me out on a beach that was hard sand almost to the Pistol River. The literature said it was sometimes really challenging to cross but today the river ended before even crossing the beach sand.  I guess it went underground.  A couple miles of road walking after that and I took the first site I found.  This must be what it's like to be homeless. Searching for a site hidden off the road.  All and all I must have done 17 miles.  The hard sand beach was spectacularly beautiful and deserted as always but there was a very stiff tail wind blowing, the kind that blows up the sand low to the beach and sends it skittering. It was so hard I had to work to keep my balance and it took a bit out of me.  Diane is picking me up tomorrow at Crissey Field, the southern trail terminus at the CA border.  I'll do one more post after that and then it's over!
 The view at lunch today below Cape Sebastian.

A little glass work will fix that right up.

Crossing the Rogue at Gold Beach.  A pedestrian-friendly bridge.

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