Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Made it to Paul's house a day early on a bum knee and after a bit of unpleasant road walking.  Was ferried across Nehalem Bay by a local marina service,then across Tillamook Bay by Paul and Alex.  The ride in Paul's Hobie Adventure Island sailboat was fun and pretty exciting.  I think it was my first time in a sailboat.  Today they will canoe ferry me across Netarts Bay from where I hope to make Pacific City tonight.  That we will include crossing Cape Lookout and the mouth of Sand lake.


  1. Sorry to hear about the knee/leg problems. Would have thought you had done enough training to avoid that. Must be the "real life" conditions at the beach and the hard asphalt of the road portions. Glad you're getting some sea time to recover. My hope is you'll walk out that pain and be stronger for it!

  2. I wish you were posting photos. I'm having a bit of Oregon withdrawal here in dusty Texas.

    Ask for a bag of ice for your knee at your next restaurant stop.
