Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tahkenich Creek

I did right at 20 miles today.  The 8.3 road miles at Florence were mostly secondary roads so I didn't take a bus as I mentioned yesterday but walked every bit of it except for a mile or so where I thumbed a ride.  Nice lady but I couldn't understand but about half what she said so smiled and nodded a lot.  As soon as I got away from the few off-roaders zooming around the beach I had it all to myself again.  Looks like I'll have a lot of that.  My spot last night was super-isolated even though I was only three miles from Florence.  All I saw was a couple of happy coyotes loping over the dunes early this morning.  Having trouble posting pictures.  Will do so as soon as Google stops telling me I'm offline when I'm really not.

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